The 4th International Conference on E-Society,
E-Education and E-Technology (ESET
2020) was held virtually during
August 15-17, 2020 due to the worldwide eruption of COVID-19.
This conference lasted for three days. The first day was for online
registration and testing. The second day had 3 keynote speeches and 2
parallel sessions. Conference chair Prof. Hui-Wen Vivian Tang from Ming
Chuan University delivered the opening at the beginning. Then we were
honored to have excellent keynote speakers to give us talks in the
morning. They were Prof. Marie Josée Berger
University of Ottawa, Canada; Prof. Kit-Tai Hau,The Chinese University
of Hong Kong, China; and Assoc. Prof. Paul Beehler
University of California, USA. The rest 4 parallel sessions were held on
the third day.
One best presentation was selected from each parallel session, evaluated
from: Applicability, Originality, Significance, Visual Aids, Delivery
and Timeliness. Totally 8 best presentations were selected.
Speech Title: Literacy Teaching and Evaluation Practices in Relation to Diversity
Speech Title: Education and E-Education: Lessons from International Large-Scale Surveys
Speech Title: Recognizing and Addressing Structural, Historical, and Cultural Impediments to Teaching Writing: The Emergence of Resistance Theory
Presenter: Jia Fan, Northwestern Polytechnical University
Presenter: Hercy N. H. Cheng, Central China Normal University
Presenter: Qi Wenqian, Zhejiang University
Presenter: Iva Li, Lancaster University
Presenter: Sylvia Chong, Singapore University of Social Sciences
Presenter: Ming Hsi Tang, Chaoyang University of Technology