• Calls
  • Call for Special Sessions

Call for Special Session Proposals

The Program Committee (PC) of ESET 2024 invites proposals for special sessions to be presented at the conference.

Special sessions provide an opportunity to focus on emerging topics that are not reflected in the regular conference tracks. Specific areas of E-Society, E-Education and E-Technology can also be a special session topic in which authors of accepted paper(s) would like to gather together to discuss the topic and their papers.

Proposal Content
Prospective organizers of special sessions should send their proposals by email to icset@academic.net
 as a PDF using the template.

Download Application Form (Microsoft Word Proposal Template)

The proposal should include the following information:

New Media and E-Society

  • Title of the special session
  • Organizers of the special session
  • Brief session description with 2-3 paragraphs, explaining the goal of the special session and the overarching themes of the submitted papers.
  • Corresponding keywords.
  • A list of potential paper titles, contributing authors with affiliations, corresponding authors with email, and tentative short abstracts of the papers.
  • Proposals with significant overlap may be merged.

The submission deadline for special session papers is September 20, 2024.

After a special session paper is submitted, the authors of that paper should send the submission ID to the special session organizers. Then, after the deadline, the special session organizers will send the list of submission IDs to icset@academic.net
by September 20, 2024.

These papers will undergo the same peer review and decision process as all other ESET 2024 regular papers and, if accepted, will be published in the proceedings.

If the special session does not have sufficient number of papers accepted, then the special session may be canceled, and the accepted papers submitted to the special session would be shared within other regular sessions of the area.

It is recommended to submit special session proposals with more than six papers in case some papers are not accepted. If more than seven papers are accepted, ESET 2024 will ask organizers to select six accepted papers for the special session, and other accepted paper(s) will go into other sessions.